Sunday 16 October 2016

Origin (#4,Lux Series by Jennifer, L. Armentrout)


Katy is captured and Daemon is lost. She's gone and impossible to get her back. In order to get Beth back, their plan was perfect, get in, don't breach security, take Beth, get out. Their plan would've been successful, if there wasn't anyone that would betray them. It took one person and their plan had failed. Daedalus has Katy and the only thing Daemon can do is cause and scene and get them to bring him in. One deal for another. Test on him if they let him see Katy. At least before it's too late. But neither of them anticipated how everything would turn out. Exposing the alien race to the world was definitely not on their bucket list. And discovering Daedalus's deep dark army was beyond them. But who are in fact the bad guys? Daedalus, mankind or the Luxen? And the darkest question of all, who will Daemon be standing with, his friends, or his kind?

I give 

And once again, J-Armentrout doesn't fail to surprise us with a harsh, but exciting ending. And a cliffhanger that just destroys you, because after everything, why this?!
Which begs the question. Where is Daemon?
The pace of this book was slow and painful. I almost gave up reading it, up until Daemon decided to show up at Mount Weather to see his beloved Katy. We are also introduced to the great POV of Daemon's mind. What a beauty it is, although I would've preferred Katy's mind alone. 150 pages, it took for me to get into the book. That's quite a lot, and a bit of a disappointment considering I love the series so much. There's so much action and adventure. Cliches I want and love to see in a book. Motels, couple on the run, being "Wanted" by a strong government organization. It's all too great. Almost makes me forget They're Aliens. 

I don't understand why there is a debate as to whether Daedalus is evil or not, because the tests they've run on Katy and the things she's had to face were terrifying, and even more, inhuman. So who are the heroes, really, in this story? 

For example the Stress Test.

"But they want me to fight- they wanted me to fight Mo, using the Source. Because what else, other than getting your ass handed to you on a silver platter, would cause such major stress?"

And the part where, they cut her back open for Daemon to heal her. 

"What if he can't heal me? What if it was a fluke?"
"Then this whole experiment is over," Nancy said from her corner. "But I think you and I both know that won't be the case." 

"There's a special place in hell for you people." 

"The cold edge of the scalpel came down on my sin, right below my shoulder blade."
"There was a quick jerk of the doctor's arm and fire lit my back, an intensely deep, burning pain that split my skin and muscle. I didn't take a breath. I couldn't. I screamed."

It's decided. They're the bad guys. Ironically though, they think they're doing the world a favor. Their anticipations are right, but their actions aren't. And not to mention that they work with the Arum. 

And then we have the Prometheus, LH-11. 

Why does Luc need it? And what are the effects of it, because... when Largent was given the substance... 

"A bluish, blackish substance spewed from his mouth, splattering the doctor's white lab coat. Largent wobbled to the side. his hoarse scream ending in a thick gurgle. The same liquid leaked from the corners of his eyes, streamed from his nose and ears. "Oh boy," I said, backing up. "I don't think whatever you injected him with is working." (Daemon's POV)

So many people have died within the walls of Daedalus, and they still believe they're the good guys. It just doesn't make sense. How can they sacrifice so many and think it's for the better. 

Nancy and her crew have targeted them, and only them and she won't stop unless someone stops all of Daedalus. Of course, we're not exactly told of what they're scared of, just that they want to build an army of origins. Up until the end. 

The amazing part was the great escape. They get out, finally, and they're free. But more importantly. Daemon gets her back. Despite being slightly mentally damaged by what they've made her do. 

What I do love about the characters in this books is their idea of family. They will all sacrifice everything to keep each other safe. Luc is such a good ally to them, and his people (Paris and Archer). Dee, Dawson and Bethany together with Ash and her brother, Andrew. They are all doing it for Daemon, and perhaps for Katy too. They're united people, and you would think they would be invincible but they're outnumbered, and that sucks the most. 

"And then thunderous applause drowned out my expletive. Andrew was up there, standing in front of a damn pirate ship, glowing like someone shoved a nuclear weapon up his ass, and people were cheering?"

I may have laughed at this more than I should've. 

But in the end. This is all about Daemon's love for Katy and her love for him. Because all of those risks were worth it for both of them. 

"The thing is, I knew the risks when i got out of the car. I knew people could die, and that didn't stop me and  when i looked up and saw you standing there, alive and okay, I knew I would do it all over again."

This is the greatest declaration of love out there. Katy constantly reminds him that she still loves him no matter what, and you would think he'd get tired of hearing it but it just makes him more alive each time, because even though it's almost his entire fault, it won't change what they feel for each other, and that is greatness. 

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Newly arrived batch of BOOKS!

We all get overly excited when we get to unpack and surprise ourselves with our past picks. Whenever the order shows up at our doorstep, the feeling is overwhelming. 
I actually started shaking with excitement. 

Book 1

The Edge of Never 

by J.A. Redmerski

With an average of 4.28 stars on Goodreads, 
This book follows a twenty year old Camryn Bennet ( :> Vampire diaries fans will understand ) 
who is set out to go her own way. She wants more from life, more than to live a repetitive life, more than to just grow old with the same habits and hobbies. So she changes her life completely. With just her phone and few necessities, she takes the bus alone to find herself, leaving her past life behind. On her journey she meets a dark, mysterious guy named Andrew Parrish that opens Cam's mind to things she's never done before. Even though she vowed to never fall in love again, everything she never thought possible happens. It is only a matter of time before Andrew's darkest, deepest secrets come to surface with their relationship. 

I think this book will take me to places. 

Book 2

Poison Study

by Maria V. Snyder

With an average rating of 4.17 stars on goodreads. 

This is a story about a girl named Yelena, whose about to be executed for murder but is given a way out of it if she becomes a food taster and risk getting poisoned to protect the commander if Ixia. Though she is given the Butterfly Dust, to prevent her from ever leaving or running away. Without a daily antidote, Yelena would die. But she starts to develop powers she can't control and with Ixia constantly attacked, her life is always threatened and choices must be made. 

I actually can not wait to read this! It sounds like a book I will remember for life, or even better a new favourite!

Book 3 

And I Darken 

Kiersten White 

With an average rating of 3.98 stars on goodreads.

Lada and Radu Dragwlya were dragged away from their homeland of Wallachia and abandoned by their father to be raised in the Ottoman courts. They are both doomed to acts as pawns in a dangerous game. They are targets and being ruthless is their key to surviving. Lada plans her vengeance to get back to her homeland, while Radu only looks for a place to call home, a safe haven. They both meet the son of the Sultan, Mehmed. But he's the son of the empire Lada has sworn to fight against, even though he's also someone she may find worthy of her love. 

I can't say I'm 100% excited about this. The synopsis is pretty weak. At least on my part, but never judge a book, not by its cover and definitely not by its synopsis. 

Book 4 

The Wrath and The Dawn

by Renee Ahdieh

This is a story inspired by the famous A thousand and one nights tale, in a land ruled by a murderous boy, a king, each dawn brings a heartache to a family. Khalid, the eighteen year old ruler is a monster. Each night a new bride is wrapped around the throat by a silky cord. When Shahrzad's close friend has fallen victim to Khalid, Shahrzad is determined to put a stop to it and end Khalid's reign by volunteering to be the next bride. Only things take a complete turn. 

Monday 5 September 2016

Red Queen (Victoria Aveyard, #1)

In a world of fantasy, there are people split into two categories, those with silver blood blessed with extraordinary powers and those with red blood living an unfortunate lives to serve the army that keeps losing and to work endlessly. Mare Barrow is almost eighteen and the only work she found was theft, by the time she turns eighteen and she doesn't have work, she will be sent to war with the rest of her brothers. When she comes across a stranger and tries to steal from him, later finding herself work at the Silver Palace because of him. She discovers she's something more between those glass walls, she's got powers too and she's willing to use them if it means fixing the world. This may be more of a story about revenge and breaking the system, rather than a romance story. She's torn between the brother she has to marry, Maven, the shadow to his older brother, and Cal, the leader and warrior. 

Instagram Page

I give 
The reason for it was mainly how it was written. Or perhaps the lack of chemistry between Mare and every possible guy she could have a relationship with. Kilorn, Cal and Maven. Though, I found it difficult to root for any relationship, I think the character made it easier for me to despise Cal and love Maven or Kilorn more. Even so, with the awful/amazing plot twist, I love, love, love the devil!

I think I might've seen everything coming. It's never good when someone is too perfect, that's for sure. 

Will I recommend this to anyone? Yes. I have a feeling the second book is a lot better. 

There was so much I liked about this book so i'm just going to go ahead and make a list. WE all love lists!

Things I loved!

1. She's a strong protagonist with a huge heart. She's got the powers of Silver people but is a Red blooded person in the heart and mind. 
2. She has no idea how to be the prince's fiance. She's got no Silver manners and has no idea how to act like a royal woman. 
3. Her powers consist of creating electricity. If that's not badass, I don't know what is. Fire would've been too much of a cliche, mostly because I play dota and Lina exists. 
4. We don't know who she'll end up with. There's the shadow boy, whom we want her to be with because he didn't have it all like Cal did. Not his father's attention, nor the women's. He's good with words but terrible in action. Can't say the same for Cal, whom we all find attractive because he's the alpha. So really, who is it going to be?! And then there's Kilorn. I like him, he's stubborn and not regal. And his character development is grand compared to the beginning. 
5. She gets have a cool bodyguard. I adore Lucas, and I wish it didn't have to end that way with him.
6. Not everybody in this book really dies, so what am I to expect in the next book!? hint Shade hint
7. I expected one of the brothers to betray the king, I never thought it wouldn't be Cal.
8. There are others like her! Whaaa- I can't wait to see what powers everyone else has. 
9. There's so much p
retending and she's so bad at it, it's pretty amusing and worrying because any moment, she could be making a wrong move to expose herself. It's pretty great.
10. The cameras she always felt, were they Maven's all along?!
11. The whole idea of her preferring the brother she's not supposed to marry is just overwhelming and beautiful. 
12. The whole betrayal theme going on is pretty great too. What goes around come back around. She wants to betray Cal for them rebels, instead she gets betrayed by the person she least expected. The moment of realization was unbelievable, simply mind-blowing.

Things I disliked. 

1. Does Evangeline really believe her powers were "tricks"? 
2. She gives up too easily. But then again she never signed up for this, and who said joining those rebels was going to be easy?!
3. I couldn't love Maven until he turned evil. 
4. Am I ever going to like Cal? I know I did at first, I don't know what stopped. Oh, right, he kisses his brother's fiance. That just ... yeah.
5. The king's death is too fast. 

Friday 26 August 2016

Wait for you (Jennifer L. Armentrout)


Avery Morgenstern is a girl with a dark past she chooses to run away from. After finally getting away from her perfect parents to go to University thousands of miles from home, Avery only hopes she'll find what she couldn't find there. Peace and closure. No more name-calling and harassment-bullying. When she runs into the hottest guy in University on her first day to Astronomy class, things change, at least for Cameron Hamilton, they do. Even more do things change when they both realize they're neighbors. And who wouldn't want to live across from pretty blue eyes with abs to die for.

Instagram page

I give 


I love Jennifer L. Armentrout's books. I really do. Not this one. It was good. Worthy of reading. But not enough to make me want to recommend it. Maybe for readers trying to get into the YA genre, this would be a warm up.
But it's a cliche.
All of it.
The entire freaking book is just the most typical, overused alpha-shygirl bundle of sadness and I, for one, am sick of it. Not the mention that the protagonist was awfully annoying. Why the three stars you ask!? I don't know what it was but I was still curious where everything went. Convinced the ending wasn't going to be so bad.
It was bad.
OR Happy. I guess it depends on how you all see it.
For me, more would've been nice. Shall I start predicting the next books in the series, despite the fact that it's probably another messed up couple that keep lying to each other and have a terrifyingly bad amount of communication and trust. Where it's all about the sex. Yes. This book was all about her not being able to get over rape. It is honestly terrible. These things happen. Her parents not believing her?!
Does that actually exist?! Such parents cannot exist or they should not be named parents.
Their daughter was RAPED and they want to pay off the rapist's family in order to shut up but yet the school still finds out and parents.. what.. they paid them and the word still got out. How inconvenient for them. Really now. I would've liked the book more if her parents were the least supportive, or showed any kind of affection. Their only child and this shit happens and all they can do is worry about their reputation in the Club. I forgot what the Club was even for. Some happy family gathering thing or something. See. Jennifer, help me remember stuff don't make the entire book so unmemorable.
His character, I might've loved and everything around the moments when he kept asking her out and her rejecting him yet wanting to accept so bad. That was pretty great because-it was just cute and the fact that he tried so often and it turned into a joke. That was the perfect little corner of the book. Worthy of three stars. Okay, maybe less, because this is, again, a cliche.

  • The fact that it starts with her running into him and him coincidentally being the hot guy on campus is just..

  • The fact that he has ripped abs and is beautiful yet also notices her and wants to be all over her because she said "No," is again a cliche. 

  • There's also a typical overly dramatic gay character who also happens to be her best friend.

  • A slut friend Cam has that keeps throwing herself at him,.

  • Molly who could've just sent her emails with the subject: "I was raped too." Which would've saved us from all of the harassment mystery.

  • Her parents, I won't even start.

  • The part where she throws herself at another guy to get him jealous.

  • The part where in the end she gets so drunk he's a nice enough guy to change her. Hmm... How many more cliches can this book haaaave?!

It will not take a genius to know why she's such a freakshow. OR is she really?! Besides the ridiculous part where she runs away from her first class, there isn't really anything to make her seem like a total freak. I did find a part of her reaction understandable (When unknown, drunk boy insists on grinding on her or something.) But Cam being there for the rescue is just a cliche off the charts. More? Oh yes, SOMEHOW they become project partners in class. SOMEHOW he picks her because the other more attractive, lonely girls don't run from getting to class late. Now, here's a ridiculous quote to end this review.

"I'm beginning to think cookies is a code for something else."
"Maybe it is." He tugged on my bag again as he took a confident step back, forcing me down another step. "And just think about it. If cookie was a code word, whatever it symbolizes. it's been in your mouth, sweetheart." 

No! Just No.

Until Next time, Jennifer Armentrout

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Court Of Mist and Fury (Court of Thorns and Roses, #2 by Sarah J. Maas)


After Feyre turns into a High Fae, saving Tamlin from Amarantha and saving everyone else under her curse, she returns to the Spring Court with the powers of a High Fae and a human heart. She struggles to get through night terrors that followed her since the day she had to perform the deeds Amarantha has asked her to. But that is not all. She made a bargain with Rhysand, the High Lord of the Night Court. 
Now her heart splits between choosing to sit home with Tamlin and dress in pretty dresses and organize shallow events or choose to save the world from someone worse than Amarantha.

This book gave me all kinds of feels, I cant even begin to explain how amazing of a book nor how of an amazing author Sarah J. Maas is. I know the bookworms out there are beyond hyped about this book but

Follow my Instagram to follow my upcoming reviews!
I give

Where do I start?!

OH, yes, the writing style. I've had people complain about the amount of details stuffed into this book and I did not get what the hell they were talking about. I imagined everything so easily and smoothly. Not a second was I bored or frustrated with the amount of world development. I could see it all. I may have an extended imagination but it just seemed like there was the perfect amount of everything. Thanks to Dota 2, the creatures were easily imagined. If I did not get a creature, then I just chose to relate it to any of the heroes in the game. Basically every little thing took full shape and color in my mind and it felt like living inside the book. I almost want to go search for those Courts.

Click here to see more amazing art by this artist who created an accurate strong image of Feyre.

Character build. Hmm. If there is anyone out there comparing Rhysand to Damon from Vampire Diaries, I'll strangle a pigeon. No. Rhysand is the perfect kind of everything a girls dreams of. I may not be entirely into black-almost-long-haired men but Holy Moly, His personality has it all. The salt, lemon, honey, chilly and pepper in a nutshell. There's something about him, a dark mysterious and sweet twist to Rhysand that I can't quite put my finger on. And his continuous flirting makes it seem like the devil is playing with Feyre's mind. He really shows how a true High Lord should stand and he treats Feyre as an equal, despite his position in the hierarchy. This is more than enough to make me absolutely adore his entire character. 


Feyre on the other hand, has developed so much in comparison to the first book. She's become more mature and aware of her feelings. She admits to herself that Tamlin was just the guy to go for at the time but she's moved on and frankly i'm extremely happy this book didn't turn into a typical love triangle where Feyre has to split herself between Tamlin and Rhysand. For a while, she with nobody and during those moments, she realized she was more than what Tamlin made of her. She's such a strong protagonist that empowers the idea of standing on her own two feet without anyone else holding her hand. Get what I mean?! She stands up to herself in front of Tamlin, in other words, she tells him to shove it when he argues that her actions have consequences. That.was.perfect. 

Artist: Unknown although
I'd love to know.
Amazing Art!
The fact that Feyre believes Rhysand's intentions seem skeptical brings perfect sense into her actions considering how she's always doubtful about him yet still brings herself to know more about him. To us, he's this mysterious dangerous high Lord and it's just- we already know he's this unholy beautiful beast. Maas has introduced him in such a manner that made us want to learn more about him. Honestly, the second he appeared in Court of Thorns and Roses, I was totally hooked on him. Maybe it was the lack of romance between Tamlin and Feyre or simply the mask which by the way did make Tamlin seem super mysterious as well but like a light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel-kind of mysterious. 

This is probably the best possible relatable post to Ianthe 


IANTHE. Oh, I had a feeling something was off about her. I thought it was jealousy at Feyre at first but then the way Feyre mentions her and how she explains how excited she is about events and how she's a know-it-all kind of person, I had a feeling something was off about her. At first I imagined she'd be like (you can disagree)  Daenerys Targaryen's sidekick, Missandei her name was.

Speaking of Devils. What do you think of this as a possible description of Amarantha?!

I didn't actually believe she was gone, even after everything that occured in the previous book. Who knew worse existed?! 

It makes me so happy to see so much fan art on these books. They were truly amazing and I know, I KNOW the next will blow my mind just like A Court of Mist and Fury did. Sarah J. Maas is indeed full of surprises. 

May 4th 2017

Monday 4 July 2016

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1 by Marissa Meyer)


Cinder is a girl, but not just any girl, she's a cyborg, and perhaps something more, but in her step mother's eyes. She's a slave under her own roof, with two sisters. Pearl and Peony. This isn't your typical Cinderella story, the cyborg part aside. All Cinder's ever wanted was to escape for her freedom. When Prince Kai shows up at her workplace with Nainsi, his android, Cinder knows there's a reason he doesn't want her wiped clean. And while Cinder may be just a cyborg girl, everything puts her right in the middle of a political war between the Eartheners and the Lunars.

I give 

It took me about two days to finish this book. Is that a good thing? Yes. It's an amazing thing. Even though Science Fiction is not my thing, I was able to give this book a shot and I absolutely loved it!
I cannot wait to see what the next three books hold. They hype on this book is so great. I've been seeing this beautiful cover everywhere! 

The book is written from a third person's point of view. What does this mean?! We can get into anyone's head! Although the main focus is mainly Cinder, we still get to see what is happening with Prince Kai. The pace of the book is fast. There's a lot going on in such little time. My heart had a hard time adjusting to some of the events and I could feel like that all the time. It's what a good book does to me. Who needs time to drink in every thing?! Nah, overwhelm me with every little event, please! Going back to the perspective talk, the fact that the author chooses to place us with different characters in some chapters creates quite the suspense and Meyer did not throw in any boring, long chapters. I have to say, everything about how this book was written was absolutely perfect.

"Imagine there was a cure, but finding it would cost you everything. 
What would you do?"

Now, let's get on the plot. I've mentioned above who this story is about. Cinder. A cyborg. She's 36% metal and the rest very human. But is that really all she is? Nevermind. Moving on. This cyborg girl, with two sisters. Pearl and fourteen year old Peony, who is undoubtedly sweet and surprisingly gets along with our Cinderella. They live in New Beijing, a place where the greatest threat is the plague, Letumosis. After her dear sister, Peony catches the plague at an old junk yard, Cinder is punished by Adri, her stepmother, by being sent as a volunteer to be a test subject for the very same plague, and everything changes for her as she finds more about herself inside the lab's walls than anywhere else. Dr. Erland does not tell her everything though.

"I'm sure i'll feel much more grateful when I find a guy who think complex wiring in a girl is a turn-on."

Cinder is a very... cute character. Yes. Cute. Her actions are innocent, despite her strong personality. With the disability to produce tears and blush, her stepmother finds her inhuman, even though she is fully capable of feeling every little thing that hurts her emotionally. I would have to say the romance going on in this book kind of lacks a lot. As much as I wanted her moments with Prince Kai to prolong, there wasn't much going on. Except this sweet cyborg kissed him and the reaction we expected had not occurred. I'll have to admit, some things were, however, very easily predicted, like the fact that she is princess Selene. I didn't expect the Lunar part, but then as soon as she found out, I was so sure. 

"Kai cleared his throat. Stood Straighter. "I assume you're going to the ball?"
"I-I don't know. I mean, no. No, I'm sorry, I'm not going to the ball."
Kai drew back, confused. "Oh well...but...maybe you would change your mind? Because I am, you know."
"The prince."
"Not bragging," he said quickly. "Just a fact."

For a man in this story, Prince Kai lacks the masculine features I look for in the ideal man for a story with so much going on. Prince Kai came off as a wuss. Yes. A WUSS. Why, you ask? Because even though he was a little human with little control over Princess Witch-head's magic/glamour, he could've done more, or acted more superior, I mean, in the end, the whole world did look at him as a freaking Emperor, and he lacked judgement and probably character development overall.  Perhaps there will be more to expect from the mighty Emperor in the next few books. I would've liked him to be more controling (cuz' he's the damn prince) and perhaps more... arrogant? Yes, that would've been nice. 

Now, the villain of this book would be a Lunar, Queen Levana. Basically what a Lunar should be is: Creatures with the ability to glamour/manipulate people/humans into seeing and believing anything they want them to believe. And, yes they live on the moon, hence where "Lunar" came from. She's a total heartless bitch that cares about nothing but herself. She killed her sister, her daughter and attempted to kill her grand daughter, Princess Selene, if i'm not mistaken. But there were rumours about her surviving the fire and escaping on earth. When Queen Levana gets to earth in her fancy spaceship, she comes with one purpose. To become the Empress of New Beijing. (Marry Prince Kai) and if that happens, the war between the Lunars and the Eartheners would be prevented.

This heartbreaking story ended with sweet, sweet Cinder being imprisoned by Prince Kai. What a twisty turn everything took. And Cinder is left with only one option. To escape and meet Dr. Erland in Africa. 

Here's the most heartbreaking part of this story. 

(Page 282)

"She knelt over the pile of worthless parts that Adri had left. for her to find. A beat-up tread punctures with pebbles and debris. An ancient fan with a crooked blade. Two aluminium arms-one that still had Peony's velvet ribbon tied around the wrist. Clenching her jaw, she started sorting through the pieces carefully. One by one. Her fingers trembled over every mangled screw. Every bit of melted plastic. She shook her head, silently pleading. Pleading. Finally she found what she was searching for. With a dry, grateful sob, she crumpled over her knees, squeezing Iko's worthless personality chip against her chest."


"Prince Kai! Check my fan, I think i'm overheating."

I love Iko so much, please be in the next book!

Thursday 23 June 2016

A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1 by George R.R. Martin)


The Game of Thrones is the first book in the Song of a Ice and Fire series, a fantasy novel by George. R. R. Martin. The plot-line revolves around three stories of the nobel houses: The Westeros, the Wall and most people's favourite, the Targaryens. Eddard (Ned) Stark treats being named the hand of the King like a curse after the one before had died, or was rather murdered. This changes everything for the Stark family as they split. 

It is a matter of time before the Iron Throne is claimed by the wrong people. 


I give


Game of Thrones is a novel that includes eight perspectives, (Tyrion Lannister, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Eddard (Ned) Stark, Bran Stark, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen , Catelyn Stark). I had a difficult time building some kind of emotion towards any of the characters listed above. The first book revolves around the idea of who is to keep the Throne and how the fight between the Starks and the Lannisters got bloody, but mainly who killed John Arryn, the hand of the king, because the fight against the Starks starts when Ned (Eddard) Stark questions if Arryn died of a natural cause. This is the type of book where you would expect gory details when it comes to violence, detailed sexual content and rough language, make no mistake there will be. The narrative is rich in context, though, I have had trouble understanding what was happening sometimes because of the different use of vocabulary, and it is not simple English. It is highly expected considering how the writing has to match the setting of the story, that being the middle Ages. Perhaps someone with a more profound knowledge in literature would have no trouble understanding everything. There’s always that one word though, right?!
There is no shame in picking a favorite character, so I’ll admit, I love Tyrion. He is more or less one of the most bullied characters in the book, along with Jon Snow, for being different and this is how I was emotionally attached to the both of them.  They’re both examples of good protagonists. Their choices are wise, and I can’t help but love the amount of sarcasm Tyrion has thrown in every now and then. I’ve enjoyed his chapters far more than any other character. However what makes the book so great is the fact that if you do despise or love a character, the chapters aren’t entirely long, so you have enough time to see what is happening on the other side, but not enough to bore you if you don’t feel interested. Besides, he may be fun to read because of his sarcastic thoughts, but events have made others a lot more interesting. And there’s this constant thing going on where some chapters end with a cliffhanger, which absolutely kills me and love.
As a mystery book, there’s a lot to discover, even though the core idea revolves around someone’s death. There’s so much going on and this helped me continue reading when I felt discouraged at times. The diversity between the characters is great, everyone’s different. In fact neither of them can quite relate to each other, especially those related.
What I liked so much about this book more than most other ones is that there is no cliché to it. There are no heroes or evil guys. There’s only our opinion on their actions. In the end every character and general person in real life believes their actions are for some kind of greater good. It’s us who decide who are the good guys. Of course we learn that all Eddard wants is for the truth to be out. He’s a loyal man with good intentions, and that gets him “chopped”. So this is more about survival. We see from every character’s perception what it takes for them to survive against those who wish them harm. I’ve unfortunately seen the TV show before reading and I know for a fact that this is no typical story. Or a typical fantasy for that matter. There will be deaths, ones I won’t care one tiny bit about, and others I’ll bawl my eyes for, so of course I’ll continue. 

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Ashes to Ashes (Burn for Burn #3, by Jenny Han)

Goodreads Synopsis 

New Year's Eve ended with a bang and Mary, Kat and Lillia may not be prepared for what is to come.

After Rennie's death, Kat and Lillia try to put the pieces together of what happened to her. They both blame themselves. If Lillia hadn't left with Reeve... If Kat had only stayed with Rennie... Things could have been different. Now they will never be the same.

Only Mary knows the truth about that night. About what she is. She also knows the truth about Lillia and Reeve falling in love, about Reeve being happy when all he deserves is misery, just like the misery he caused her. Now their childish attempts at revenge are a thing of the past and Mary is out for blood. Will she leave anything in her wake or will all that remain be ashes?


I give ★★

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a burn for a burn, a life for a life. That's how this all started, and that's how it's going to end."

For starters, let me point out that Kat in the cover above really looks like someone incapable of putting together two pieces of clothing, why would someone wear a black bra under a white laced top?!
Back to the real topic, the heart-wrenching, heartbreaking, evil, evil book called Ashes to Ashes. The book with the worst possible ending I've had to come across EVER. Where do I even start? 
Well, from the beginning of course. 

The second book ends with us finding out that Mary is in fact dead. And she's a seriously pissed off ghost. Not only does she want to make Reeve's life horrible but she wants to literally actually end him. This is just beyond my expectations. 

Let me point out that I stayed completely quiet about the whole failed plan to make Alex miserable in the first book because he was in fact innocent, so their first plan to make Reeve pay for everything hurt way too many people. That should've immediately screamed MARY YOU'RE EVIL right from the start even though it was Kat's idea to put this whole thing together. Whom was also half responsible for this, and yet she gave absolutely no shit about it (may have never even mentioned how awful she felt about even coming up with the idea.) To be quite frank, and a bit of a cold-hearted person, Shepherd was more or less of a karma for Kat coming up with this plan to hurt Reeve, Rennie and Alex. BUT what was more infuriating was the fact that Kat was just another character in the third book. There have been no credits given to her. She saved Lilia and herself and risked her dog's life because of stupid, stupid Mary. Also, what happened to her aunt? She had a pretty important role in the first book and second one and then all of the sudden she disappears and Mary becomes the most awful, annoying and deadly ghost. Kat was introduced as this amazing, i-dont-give-a-flying-crap girl and then the third book just killed her off. I was rooting so badly for her and Alex to get together, because, I mean, opposites attract and he is described as sweet, romantic boy with artistic dreams and she's just a hopeless human. Just perfect together
To be honest, unlike many many other readers, Lilia was a character I liked. The fact that she was centred somewhat in the center of this  drama was what made me like her BUT HER CHOICE TO PICK ALEX AND BREAK UP WITH REEVE IN THE END COMPLETELY WIPED ANY GOOD EMOTION I FELT TOWARDS HER. The whole point of the second book was to get us to love the two of them together, Lilia and Reeve. They had to break so many kind of codes to be together. The excitement was slowly built and I was so excited their relationship would develop more in the third book but then SHIT HAPPENED. And authors are so evil sometimes. It took forever for them to get together. There were so many obstacles like Rennie's clingy long arms (at least that's how I imagined her and her friendship to Lilia.) and Lilia's loyalty towards Mary and Reeve's bro-code with Alex. But they had finally made it together and there was no going back and Rennie died because of it. Rennie died because of Lilia's relationship with Reeve and they still did NOT end up together. How is she so heartless? She said she loved him, they actually FELL IN LOVE AND SHE DID NOTHING ABOUT IT AND IT'S PISSING ME OFF. I wanted them together despite their differences in social status and studies. OPPOSITES ATTRACT DAMMIT! 

"I've fallen for the one person I shouldn't have. For the boy who broke Mary's heart. For Rennie's one true love. For Alex's best friend. It has to end here. Now."


The truth is that even though Lilia was in fact my favourite, after Reeve, she had suffered the least out of all of them. They all had one major loss, what was Lilia's? A piece of jewelry from Reeve? I got seriously mad whenever Lilia wouldn't put the energy to keep her relationship alive with Reeve. She was worried about what people thought about her more than actually being with him and enjoying the time they had together. For a main character Lilia lacked the strength and will to keep a relationship so complicated. In fact I'm convinced she didn't deserve Reeve. Maybe it was all pity for what happened to his leg. 

I may have also disliked Reeve at some major points for instance when he was with Rennie. Why did he just not freaking say no to her if he wasn't attracted to her? Why couldn't he just let her go and stop leading her on. I'd feel zero guilt if I ran into someone I actually liked and let go of the clingy person attached to me that I find UN-attractive. Reeve was just too much of a wuss to deal with his guilt and his problems and how the hell did he talk to Mary on Halloween and didn't totally freak out? If he did, why was it not mentioned? How come he hears Mary and doesn't deal with his shit by talking to someone? And isn't it a bit suspicious to just have your ghostly past pop up out of nowhere after so long? He loved Lilia? He should've told her. Reeve goes through So.SO.MUCH. I should've dedicated some ten minutes crying for all the pain he's had to endure. That poor bastard.  The thing is, Reeve was such a bad-ass character, so tough and strong and the quarter-something-American and he was popular and cool and everything and he couldn't HANDLE ANYTHING LIKE A MAN.

And if she loved him she should've told him what was going on, or at least found a way to tell him without having Mary find out like an anonymous letter or some shit. BUT SHE DIDN'T EVEN TRY. She just cut him off and I wanted to burn the book right that second. Pretty sure the Goddamn author has done absolute no research on the meaning of love or the actions or anything. That was a cheap sacrifice. She should've found a way. AND IN THE EPILOGUE THEY'R JUST DONE. They've ruined the whole story for me with that. The rush was awful.
Let me get back to Mary. The character build up had absolute NO KIND OF CONNECTION TO THE THIRD BOOK. We meet sweet, innocent Mary in the first book and then the second we barely get anything on her and then suddenly she's the most evil person you'll ever come across. Because why, you ask? Because she killed herslef. HERSELF. Her fault she died. You want to end your suffering? You freaking grow up! Her reasoning for killing herself was pretty weak for such an insufferable, evil human-ghost. Her personality is so much stronger as a comparison to her old self. She's in fact weak throughout the whole first book. I get that she expected some kind of attention after coming back to Jar Island's highschool but that should've given her a hint when everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, except of the two girls, ignored her. And the fact that the only reason she even came up in the this book to just rant about her revenge plans and how she was so evil she wanted to burn everyone, I just  COULD NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE. I should've been wise and skipped every chapter involving Mary. AND GUESS WHAT FOLKS. She realizes everything was a mistake and wanted to make up for it for the smallest little act. LIKE THAT WOULD FIX LILIA AND REEVE. WELL DONE MARY YOU FAILED.  There was so much chemistry and love and beautiful things and it took an author 3 pages to flush it in my neighbor's toilet. I'm so devastated about it, you have no idea.
Alex is another example of poor character development. Normally after being turned down or rejected, people MOVE ON. Not Alex, he's a special kind of boy. He won't take no for an answer, i'm actually surprised Lilia doesn't feel harassed by his love towards her. He lacks every little aspect that makes up a good, strong personality. All he does is get mad and upset at Lilia turning him down AND HE GETS THE TROPHY IN THE END, YAY FOR HIM! To be honest Lilia's all to blame because she makes him believe there's a chance and he doesn't give up knowing he's got a 1% shot at being with her. Luckily the author is on his side. Me? Not so much. But what does it matter, i'm against this whole series. It's quite a shame because the hype was real on the first book. 

This book had so much more potential and it all went down the drain and i'm so so so so so sooooo disappointed you have no idea. They just threw in a death in Kat's family, they threw Lilia and Alex together after she's rejected him for THREE FUCKING BOOKS and they just made KAT have absolute no university and just forgot what happened to Reeve because I was honestly too disappointed with that epilogue that a wave of a long-term shock hit me and I still cannot get over it.  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 days later and I can NOT get over it.

Big Disappointment. 

Tuesday 12 April 2016



It's a blooming month this year, and the nominated book for April is

Ashes to Ashes 

by Jenny Han

Think Mary, Kat, and Lillia have nothing left to lose? Think again. The fiery conclusion to the Burn for Burn trilogy from New York Times bestselling author Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian.

They only meant to right the wrongs. It was about getting even. Burn for burn.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Burn For Burn (#1, Burn for Burn by Jenny Han)

Goodreads Synopsis

Postcard-perfect Jar Island is home to charming tourist shops, pristine beaches, amazing oceanfront homes—and three girls secretly plotting revenge.
KAT is sick and tired of being bullied by her former best friend.
LILLIA has always looked out for her little sister, so when she discovers that one of her guy friends has been secretly hooking up with her, she’s going to put a stop to it.
MARY is perpetually haunted by a traumatic event from years past, and the boy who’s responsible has yet to get what’s coming to him.
None of the girls can act on their revenge fantasies alone without being suspected. But together…anything is possible.
With an alliance in place, there will be no more “I wish I’d said…” or “If I could go back and do things differently...” These girls will show Jar Island that revenge is a dish best enjoyed together.


I give ★★


This book was such an easy book to read start to finish. Not being an exactly big fan of Jenny Han's "The summer I turned pretty," It came off as a surprise that I had in fact enjoyed this book. 
The mystery is real as we don't know much about anyone's background story, but as the story progresses, I started getting to know each of the characters, Kat, Lilia and especially Mary as well as their intentions, personality and role. I'd say it's too early to choose a character I mostly like, or find interesting as all three of them seemed to play an important role in everything that has been going on. They're also extremely different people, the contrasting personalities made it more enjoyable to read because each one of them responded differently to certain situations, like for example, when they chose Alex to "bully."
The touch of the famous high school drama was the key to draw me in, no questions asked, i'm a sucker for those. Or at least used to be until I graduated, haha. But Mystery and high school is such a cool mix, definitely what i haven't come across just yet. I was used to reading from multiple perspectives, as I had just finished Game of Thrones, an incredibly complicated read if I must say, and reading this book immediately afterwards was like walking after a long run. 
The whole story flowed inconsistently, and everything was not as I had predicted,  if anything, I was convinced Mary would be in the spotlight. 
I had a hunch it would be supernatural, or at least more or less connected to something supernatural, but oh boy, i was wrong about the whole thing.  This is not your typical revenge-high-school-story. Na-na-nah. I can't wait to see what happens, there's so little I can say right now, it only feels like the beginning. 

  You would think I would pick a favourite out of Kat, Mary or Lilia, but I equally like them all, I suppose Kat is the one with the strongest personality out of all of them, and Mary has the best story behind her mysterious character, Lilia is just there, conflicted. I am not sure what is happening, the mystery is real.  I have a feeling the next book won't disappoint me.