Wednesday 11 January 2017

Opposition (The Lux Series, #5 by Jennifer L. Armentrout)


Daemon gets her back once he goes to Mount Weather, but that's not all that happens. They hurt her, and force him to heal her. But their bond is unbreakable, right? She dies, he dies, and Daedalus wouldn't risk it would they? But that's not all the suffering Katy has to go through, there are the Stress Tests and the guilt of having killed Blake. But Daemon isn't the one to do all the healing when they force him to stab himself with a knife, having to watch Katy heal him. And they force Daemon to mutate others, and he's unsuccessful until they find a way out, through Archer, someone on the inside working with Luc. An Origin. Something Daedalus wanted Katy and Daemon make all along, why else would they let them share a bathroom? So they escape, find the others, get into a little war with the Daedalus and expose the Luxen to the world. All hell breaks loose and the other Luxen from other planets come. Who will Daemon stand with? His kind or Katy?

I give 

Mainly because it took me so long to finish this book. It was quite boring at first. Daemon was gone, Katy was miserable and lost and totally confused by what had happened. But not just Daemon BUT ALSO Dee and Dawson. They were all sucked into this gathering of 100% pure Luxen with no humanly personality traits. Just wild animals, really. 

So what happens? Well, when Archer and Katy go to fetch some medicine for Dawson's lovely pregnant girlfriend, they come across a warzone in a shopping center? I think. And then Katy sees Daemon and vanishes and gets hit by Dawson, knocking her unconsciously. And she wakes up in this room where the house is surrounded by weird Luxen and Daemon and Dawson pretend to be one of them. While Katy's heart slowly breaks at how Daemon treats her, she begins to believe he's let go until they finally get some time alone and he confesses that he's all there.

"Kat." He uttered my name like it was some kind of prayer, and then he pressed a kiss against the skin behind my ear. "I broke every rule of my kind to heal you and keep you with me. I ... burned down an entire city to keep you safe. I've killed for you. Did you think I'd forget what you mean to me? That anything in this world-in any world- would be stronger than my love for you?" 

While they hide, and pretend otherwise in front of the Luxen leader, there's one sidekick that reveals to be an origin, reading their minds and knowing all along that Daemon is not a part of them and that neither is Dawson by reading their minds. When they get away and reunite with their friends, thanks to Luc, they manage to get an Arum to help them get in touch with the Arum leader. They step into their own graves by gong to their pit, and the greatest yet most disturbing things happen to them. While this is all happening, Dee is not even on their side. No, she's still with the Luxen, still broken from the death of her boyfriend, and so, very, evil. Let me go back a few scenarios and quote Dee's exact words to Katy. 

"If you don't move, I will throw you down the stairs. It'll hurt. You might break your neck. It's three levels. Someone will heal you. Or maybe we'll just leave you like that, alive but unable-" 

That was cruel! Sweet, sweet Dee had turned into the most vicious snake and they couldn't even kill her! Not that I wanted to, she is, after all, Katy's best friend, almost sister, and sister-in-law considering they get married. Under a fake name, but nevertheless, it's marriage and it means the world to them, and to us readers, because they'd finallly settled down. Unfortunately for them, an Origin baby would come out of a hybrid and Luxen, but fortunately for us, the kid would be badass. I'll admit though, a separate series about the girl of Daemon and Katy would be a fun series. 

Now, back to the Arum fun, when they get to the Arum beehive, they have a talk with Lotho, the Arum leader and the fun begins. He only agrees to help them if Daemon lets him feed off of her. We can all guess his answer but things turn more interesting when Daemon agrees but insists on being in the room when it happens. While it may sound like he might be raping her, it's actually fun watching Daemon hold back from hitting him. Lotho tries his best to get him jealous  by taking off his shirt, oh the fun, and leaning closely towards Katy. When Lotho is about to get a taste of Katy, Daemon loses it and jumps right at him but Lotho reacts and pins him against the wall and laughs it off saying he just wants to mess with him. This may sound a teeny tiny bit creepy but I want a fanfiction written story about Katy's and Daemon's baby girl growing up to fall in love with Lotho, the mad yet sexy evil Arum. Now that sounds like an interesting story, some kind of twisted Romeo and Juliette among the Luxen and the Arum people.

"I know asking you to stay in the car is too much, but please stay close to me." Daemon slowed down as he crossed the parking lot, heading toward the fancy black car. "Luc might trust the douche, but I don't."
"It's not like I'm going to run up and hug him."
His expression turned bland. "I'd sure hope not. I might get jealous." 
"You'd get jealous if she hugged a tree," Archer tossed out. 
"Maybe." Daemon coasted to a stop in a parking space behind the car. "I'm needy like that." 

I know this may sound like an odd comparison but he reminds me a lot of Lucifer in the paragraph, especially the needy and douche part. 

This was my favourite possible part of this book. I marked it so many times just so I would never forget mentioning it. This is a typical perfect-boyfriend reaction towards anything. 

"Are we going to have this argument again?" Because I like it when you two get into it. It's lke watching a mom and dad have a marital disagreement. I feel like I need to go hide in a bedroom or something to make it more authentic. Maybe slam a door shut or-"

"Shut up, Luc," Archer growled, and then turned his glare at me. 

I fell in love with Archer when this book started. He's the most loyal yet most rational character in this book. He doesn't take everything too harshly and he's not the most violent. this quote proved to me that he either didn't want Daemon to whop his ass if he found Katy missing, or that he wanted to keep her safe from the outside world. He's also the one to volunteer going with her to buy Beth her pregnant vitamins. 

Daemon kissed me deeply, cutting off my words, and he took that kiss to a whole new stratosphere. "You've got that big heart, Kitten." His lips cruised over mine as h spoke. "That's what  I love about you most. Well, that and I am a really big fan of your sweet body, but your heart? Yeah, that completes the package of you, wraps it up with a nice little bow. It makes you perfect to me." 

"Sometimes..." I stared at him, blinking back wetness. "Sometimes you say the most amazing things." 
"And I do love the sight of my hands on your ass, too."
A laugh burst out of me. "Oh my God, and then you say things like that."

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