Thursday 24 September 2015

Marked (House of Nigh, #1 by P.C. Cast + Kristin Cast

After a Vampire Tracker Marks her with a crescent moon on her forehead, 16-year-old Zoey Redbird enters the House of Night and learns that she is no average fledgling. She has been Marked as special by the vampyre Goddess Nyx and has affinities for all five elements: Air, Fire Water, Earth and Spirit. But she is not the only fledgling at the House of Night with special powers. When she discovers that the leader of the Dark Daughters, the school’s most elite club, is mis-using her Goddess-given gifts, Zoey must look deep within herself for the courage to embrace her destiny – with a little help from her new vampyre friends

Goodreads Synopsis 


I give ★★✩

I'll admit, I've been avoiding reviewing this book because I was so unhappy with it, 2 stars is me being super generous, and the ending kind of earned it a star. Like the fact that she became this person that sort of brought everything together and fixed an issue the "mean girl" (Aphrodite) But it just doesn't leave me wanting to read more even though the ending is kind of a cliffhanger. 

This is such a childish book. 

1. I'm so tired of hearing the phrase "Hags from hell." 

I get it! I get it, no need to repeat it in every damn page. I don't care how evil or stupid these girls are, I already get the fact that, that group of characters don't like those girls, but stop for the love of God.

2. Who cares I just may have created a weird bond with my ex, but let me just whatever it and not tell anyone. 

I'm sorry what?

3. Let me go for that one guy I almost saw getting a BJ in the hall that other night because why the hell not?! 

Yeah, Erik Night is the one.

4. Let me still act like a total child even with the most powers out of everyone ever met in universe.

So unlike anyone ever met in their world, Zoey has an affinity for all 5 elements: air, water, earth, fire and spirit. WOW. If only Nyx marked her brain too and talked some sense into her judgemental mind. 
5. Big deal she likes blood, she's a vampire, what's so embarrassing about that, it's like me saying "Uh, I hate Nutella, let me not tell my friends cuz' I'm ashamed of it." 

She has a weird mark, why would it be a surprise that she developed a little faster.  And what world involves vampires who don't drink blood, this is waaaaay out of my comfort zone, which was fine because I was looking for something a little different, instead I ended up with a children's book in my hand...

6. We were given very little information on her parents and the religious people to understand what was so wrong with them. 

7.  For a protagonist I see no character development in the future. 

I read a book to learn 

8.  The antagonist is no different than the protagonist, Aphoridte just picked a stupider group of friends.

Wasp and Warlike? What the actual hell?! Just say their name for the love of God, I don't even remember it because stupid Zoey decided it was easier to call them names that aren't even names or words. Way to complicate them characters.

9. What isn't wrong with Zoey's friends.

It feels like they all lack personality. 

The Twins: Oh wow they just said the same thing lets do that every time we're mentioned to prove our point. Let's call ourselves twins even if we're not related, because what makes twins twins is the fact that they always have the exact same thoughts and answers. I know twins that are quite human and not each others' parrots. The Casts made them fake characters, know what that is? I just invented it, it means you can have no emotional connection to them. The lack of thought put into these characters made me very, very, VERY PISSED. 

Daemon: Has this crush on Erik Night and everyone needs to remind him that "he's not playing for your team." We get it friends, we get it, he's just being a guy with a mini crush, can't he do that?! However the way the Casts describe him may seem offensive to those who are gay and "act all girly." Because no, no Daemon isn't this way, but let's discriminate those because they aren't the kind of gay people we would want in this perfect little book.

Stevie Rae: So she's a sweet, country girl with a country-girl accent. I have nothing against this one except... Oh wait nevermind, she's stupid.


Blowjobs are a normal thing: no they aren't Zoey. Not everyone wants to do that. And if they do it's none of your damn business. And in the HALL?! So much idiocy...
Skinny like Paris Hilton: I have no idea how Paris Hilton even looks like, that's an irrelevant reference to a known pop star (she's a singer right?!) so I had no idea how anorexic-looking Aphrodite was. 
They made religious people seem like these really absurd, closed-minded people with no goals in life but to worship whatever they worship. Also humans are just... I don't even know, like if you're not. Vampire, you're either an idiot or a religious person. Okay....
What is up with everyone famous being a vampire because humans aren't gorgeous enough?! It's not about looks, I've seen singers look not so pretty and sing like .... Amazing...
This is definitely a vampire world I will never read about. 

Ahhhh i'm frustrated with this book, it took me so long to finish it. It's so damn boring and there's no real thinking behind it and I'm praying that the next 3 books have a more mature tone to them, at least the last one. I made the terrible mistake of buying the first 4 books. NEVER BUY A BOXSET FROM AUTHORS YOU NEVER READ FROM.

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