Friday 29 June 2018

Once and for all (by Sarah Dessen)


Louna is a 17-year-old girl working during the summer to help her mother and business partner, William organize weddings. She meets Ethan right after one, on the beach before she realizes what sunsets and beaches can make her experience. One night. One love. One moment and it all comes crashing down. Ambrose, the annoying guy with no boundaries for women is also the inevitable second chance Louna has been waiting for.

I give

It’s true there might be no plot to this story

The chapters have been building up to the painful moment of her tragic discovery spoiler
That her first love of 24/48 hours died in a shooting 

I think a better structure of the book would have been if her first love story was told parallel to her second chance however her 24/48 hour lasting love should have lasted maybe a week at least and she shouldn’t have exactly spoiler slept with him on the same night she met him.

 I loved how realistically annoying Ambrose was to the point where I found him deeply annoying. That shows how well of a  job the author had done by creating our dearest Ambrose but I’ll admit a hanging curl that he kept brushing away made me think of this

 not exactly attractive but that’s just me

The last 5 chapters have been an emotional rollercoaster where I almost cried about three times and got emotional the whole way through (we can blame the background music)

No character development but the read was so suitable for the weather and time that I let that and a few things slip

This book was more of a 3.6 stars out of 5

So Louna is a 17 year old girl employed By her mother And business partner William (they acted more like a married couple) and she’s got an entire summer working to organize weddings and everything wedding related but she only holds a few responsibilities like coffee and wrapping.

She meets Ambrose when he delays his mom’s wedding because his priorities are flirting with cute girls in parking lots. Fuckboy alert.

She drags him in and that’s when Ambrose darling is smitten by the young girl he can’t have. I’m still unsure about his age I think he might have graduated already so maybe he’s a college guy?

Her first love is another cute guy named Ethan of whom we already know how his story ends when the shooting is first mentioned in chapter 1/2

We both looked over at her. "What is it?" Jilly asked. She looked up at us, startled like she'd forgotten we were there. "Sorry. I was just... it's the news. There's been a shooting." I felt a prickle at the back of my neck, hairs raising up. 

Ambrose and Louna make a bet and the story revolves around who loses first spoiler him when he realizes he’s fallen for her

The only good thing we have between them is cake scene and dollar store scene and that’s it

"I'm not going to pretend to be engaged to Ambrose!"

"Engaged?" He grinned at me. "Oh, this should be fun."

"Should we talk motivation?" Ambrose said to me. "Want to develop our backstory? How long we've been together, all that?"

"No," I said flatly, jabbing a finger a picture of a cake, flowers trailing off it.

"I think," he continued, ignoring me, "that we met cute. Like, you dropped a kitten, and I picked it up for you."

"Why would I drop a kitten?" 

After writing all this I realize this book is more of a 3 but the experience was pretty great and I’m no longer having a readers block!

HELLO 2018!