Friday 26 August 2016

Wait for you (Jennifer L. Armentrout)


Avery Morgenstern is a girl with a dark past she chooses to run away from. After finally getting away from her perfect parents to go to University thousands of miles from home, Avery only hopes she'll find what she couldn't find there. Peace and closure. No more name-calling and harassment-bullying. When she runs into the hottest guy in University on her first day to Astronomy class, things change, at least for Cameron Hamilton, they do. Even more do things change when they both realize they're neighbors. And who wouldn't want to live across from pretty blue eyes with abs to die for.

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I love Jennifer L. Armentrout's books. I really do. Not this one. It was good. Worthy of reading. But not enough to make me want to recommend it. Maybe for readers trying to get into the YA genre, this would be a warm up.
But it's a cliche.
All of it.
The entire freaking book is just the most typical, overused alpha-shygirl bundle of sadness and I, for one, am sick of it. Not the mention that the protagonist was awfully annoying. Why the three stars you ask!? I don't know what it was but I was still curious where everything went. Convinced the ending wasn't going to be so bad.
It was bad.
OR Happy. I guess it depends on how you all see it.
For me, more would've been nice. Shall I start predicting the next books in the series, despite the fact that it's probably another messed up couple that keep lying to each other and have a terrifyingly bad amount of communication and trust. Where it's all about the sex. Yes. This book was all about her not being able to get over rape. It is honestly terrible. These things happen. Her parents not believing her?!
Does that actually exist?! Such parents cannot exist or they should not be named parents.
Their daughter was RAPED and they want to pay off the rapist's family in order to shut up but yet the school still finds out and parents.. what.. they paid them and the word still got out. How inconvenient for them. Really now. I would've liked the book more if her parents were the least supportive, or showed any kind of affection. Their only child and this shit happens and all they can do is worry about their reputation in the Club. I forgot what the Club was even for. Some happy family gathering thing or something. See. Jennifer, help me remember stuff don't make the entire book so unmemorable.
His character, I might've loved and everything around the moments when he kept asking her out and her rejecting him yet wanting to accept so bad. That was pretty great because-it was just cute and the fact that he tried so often and it turned into a joke. That was the perfect little corner of the book. Worthy of three stars. Okay, maybe less, because this is, again, a cliche.

  • The fact that it starts with her running into him and him coincidentally being the hot guy on campus is just..

  • The fact that he has ripped abs and is beautiful yet also notices her and wants to be all over her because she said "No," is again a cliche. 

  • There's also a typical overly dramatic gay character who also happens to be her best friend.

  • A slut friend Cam has that keeps throwing herself at him,.

  • Molly who could've just sent her emails with the subject: "I was raped too." Which would've saved us from all of the harassment mystery.

  • Her parents, I won't even start.

  • The part where she throws herself at another guy to get him jealous.

  • The part where in the end she gets so drunk he's a nice enough guy to change her. Hmm... How many more cliches can this book haaaave?!

It will not take a genius to know why she's such a freakshow. OR is she really?! Besides the ridiculous part where she runs away from her first class, there isn't really anything to make her seem like a total freak. I did find a part of her reaction understandable (When unknown, drunk boy insists on grinding on her or something.) But Cam being there for the rescue is just a cliche off the charts. More? Oh yes, SOMEHOW they become project partners in class. SOMEHOW he picks her because the other more attractive, lonely girls don't run from getting to class late. Now, here's a ridiculous quote to end this review.

"I'm beginning to think cookies is a code for something else."
"Maybe it is." He tugged on my bag again as he took a confident step back, forcing me down another step. "And just think about it. If cookie was a code word, whatever it symbolizes. it's been in your mouth, sweetheart." 

No! Just No.

Until Next time, Jennifer Armentrout

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Court Of Mist and Fury (Court of Thorns and Roses, #2 by Sarah J. Maas)


After Feyre turns into a High Fae, saving Tamlin from Amarantha and saving everyone else under her curse, she returns to the Spring Court with the powers of a High Fae and a human heart. She struggles to get through night terrors that followed her since the day she had to perform the deeds Amarantha has asked her to. But that is not all. She made a bargain with Rhysand, the High Lord of the Night Court. 
Now her heart splits between choosing to sit home with Tamlin and dress in pretty dresses and organize shallow events or choose to save the world from someone worse than Amarantha.

This book gave me all kinds of feels, I cant even begin to explain how amazing of a book nor how of an amazing author Sarah J. Maas is. I know the bookworms out there are beyond hyped about this book but

Follow my Instagram to follow my upcoming reviews!
I give

Where do I start?!

OH, yes, the writing style. I've had people complain about the amount of details stuffed into this book and I did not get what the hell they were talking about. I imagined everything so easily and smoothly. Not a second was I bored or frustrated with the amount of world development. I could see it all. I may have an extended imagination but it just seemed like there was the perfect amount of everything. Thanks to Dota 2, the creatures were easily imagined. If I did not get a creature, then I just chose to relate it to any of the heroes in the game. Basically every little thing took full shape and color in my mind and it felt like living inside the book. I almost want to go search for those Courts.

Click here to see more amazing art by this artist who created an accurate strong image of Feyre.

Character build. Hmm. If there is anyone out there comparing Rhysand to Damon from Vampire Diaries, I'll strangle a pigeon. No. Rhysand is the perfect kind of everything a girls dreams of. I may not be entirely into black-almost-long-haired men but Holy Moly, His personality has it all. The salt, lemon, honey, chilly and pepper in a nutshell. There's something about him, a dark mysterious and sweet twist to Rhysand that I can't quite put my finger on. And his continuous flirting makes it seem like the devil is playing with Feyre's mind. He really shows how a true High Lord should stand and he treats Feyre as an equal, despite his position in the hierarchy. This is more than enough to make me absolutely adore his entire character. 


Feyre on the other hand, has developed so much in comparison to the first book. She's become more mature and aware of her feelings. She admits to herself that Tamlin was just the guy to go for at the time but she's moved on and frankly i'm extremely happy this book didn't turn into a typical love triangle where Feyre has to split herself between Tamlin and Rhysand. For a while, she with nobody and during those moments, she realized she was more than what Tamlin made of her. She's such a strong protagonist that empowers the idea of standing on her own two feet without anyone else holding her hand. Get what I mean?! She stands up to herself in front of Tamlin, in other words, she tells him to shove it when he argues that her actions have consequences. That.was.perfect. 

Artist: Unknown although
I'd love to know.
Amazing Art!
The fact that Feyre believes Rhysand's intentions seem skeptical brings perfect sense into her actions considering how she's always doubtful about him yet still brings herself to know more about him. To us, he's this mysterious dangerous high Lord and it's just- we already know he's this unholy beautiful beast. Maas has introduced him in such a manner that made us want to learn more about him. Honestly, the second he appeared in Court of Thorns and Roses, I was totally hooked on him. Maybe it was the lack of romance between Tamlin and Feyre or simply the mask which by the way did make Tamlin seem super mysterious as well but like a light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel-kind of mysterious. 

This is probably the best possible relatable post to Ianthe 


IANTHE. Oh, I had a feeling something was off about her. I thought it was jealousy at Feyre at first but then the way Feyre mentions her and how she explains how excited she is about events and how she's a know-it-all kind of person, I had a feeling something was off about her. At first I imagined she'd be like (you can disagree)  Daenerys Targaryen's sidekick, Missandei her name was.

Speaking of Devils. What do you think of this as a possible description of Amarantha?!

I didn't actually believe she was gone, even after everything that occured in the previous book. Who knew worse existed?! 

It makes me so happy to see so much fan art on these books. They were truly amazing and I know, I KNOW the next will blow my mind just like A Court of Mist and Fury did. Sarah J. Maas is indeed full of surprises. 

May 4th 2017