Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Cardboard Basket Weaving!


Blogger's Note: 

Call me crazy but that's exactly what I did from 4 a.m to 9 a.m or 8:30 a.m, I forgot. No I did not sleep throughout the whole night, but I did wake up just about an hour ago. (5:30 p.m). 

Here are the steps on how to build a cardboard basket. 

First you will need:

- 2 pieces of A3 cardboard, make sure it can bend.

- A piece of string, 110 cm/1.1 meter (Convert them to your measurements using Google)

- Laundry Hooks (I don't know what to call them) around 4 will do, if you think you might need more, it won't hurt to bring more.

- Pencil

- Ruler, preferably one which has 35 cm or more.

- Tape or a Stapler

- Glitter/Colors/Colored Paper/Other stuff for designs if you wish.

And we start now. 

Hole puncher is not necessary. 

Here is the link to the original person who taught how to do this using reed.  

I only tried out to see if I could do it, also it was on my Summer-to-do-list 

Email me at if you would like to share it, I'd truly love to see it. 
and yeah, I would add it to my blog, if you'd like. 


Friday, 31 May 2013

60 Things To Do In Summer


  1. Bake a cake
  2. Have a Picnic
  3. Write a book 
  4. Camping
  5. Scrapbook
  6. Water balloon fight
  7. Go to a library, buy a book
  8. Create a one week plan and try to follow it
  9. Spend a whole day taking pictures in different places
  10. Have a bon fire
  11. Learn a foreign language or practice it till you speak it fluently
  12. Make your own piece of clothing
  13. Movie Marathon
  14. Make a new friend/meet new people
  15. Dip dye clothes
  16. Spend 24 hours awake with a friend
  17. Long bike ride 
  18. Write a short/long story based on your true life events 
  19. Get a tan tattoo
  20. Carve your name into a tree
  21. Randomly burst into songs on the street with friends 
  22. Go to an amusement park at least once
  23. Sign up for a class (Drawing, Instrument, Sport .etc.)
  24. Make a mixed CD of your favourite songs and name it "The songs of this summer"
  25. Jump in a pool with clothes on
  26. Order Pizza and eat it at the Park
  27. Make a book cover. 
  28. Bury memories 
  29. Eat tacos and burritos 
  30. Go to at least 4 malls in a day
  31. Watch the sunset and sunrise in one day (take pictures and send for proof ;) )
  32. Go to a football match
  33. Read a famous book (I chose Harry Potter and The Hunger Games)
  34. Get to a certain weight
  35. Get highlights 
  36. Learn how to do a new hairstyle
  37. Make a basket out of paper or cardboard 
  38. Go rollerblading for a whole day. 
  39. Get abs :D
  40. Try a new Starbucks drink
  41. Spend a lot of time with your pet
  42. Cook a fancy meal
  43. Eat sushi
  44. Eat banana split
  45. re-watch a TV series
  46. Start a new TV series
  47. Buy a specific favourite parfume
  48. Change the colour of your room
  49. Go to a water park
  50. Read a book, then watch the movie (Exmpl: Perks of being a Wallflower)
  51. Buy a new pair of shoes 
  52. Make a lemonade Stand 
  53. Have 3 vegan days
  54. Horse ride 
  55. Summer job
  56. Drink about 2 litres or more of water for a week
  57. Act like a tourist for one day
  58. Take pictures in the rain
  59. Make a blog
  60. Play a sport for a whole day.