- Bake a cake
- Have a Picnic
- Write a book
- Camping
- Scrapbook
- Water balloon fight
- Go to a library, buy a book
- Create a one week plan and try to follow it
- Spend a whole day taking pictures in different places
- Have a bon fire
- Learn a foreign language or practice it till you speak it fluently
- Make your own piece of clothing
- Movie Marathon
- Make a new friend/meet new people
- Dip dye clothes
- Spend 24 hours awake with a friend
- Long bike ride
- Write a short/long story based on your true life events
- Get a tan tattoo
- Carve your name into a tree
- Randomly burst into songs on the street with friends
- Go to an amusement park at least once
- Sign up for a class (Drawing, Instrument, Sport .etc.)
- Make a mixed CD of your favourite songs and name it "The songs of this summer"
- Jump in a pool with clothes on
- Order Pizza and eat it at the Park
- Make a book cover.
- Bury memories
- Eat tacos and burritos
- Go to at least 4 malls in a day
- Watch the sunset and sunrise in one day (take pictures and send for proof ;) )
- Go to a football match
- Read a famous book (I chose Harry Potter and The Hunger Games)
- Get to a certain weight
- Get highlights
- Learn how to do a new hairstyle
- Make a basket out of paper or cardboard
- Go rollerblading for a whole day.
- Get abs :D
- Try a new Starbucks drink
- Spend a lot of time with your pet
- Cook a fancy meal
- Eat sushi
- Eat banana split
- re-watch a TV series
- Start a new TV series
- Buy a specific favourite parfume
- Change the colour of your room
- Go to a water park
- Read a book, then watch the movie (Exmpl: Perks of being a Wallflower)
- Buy a new pair of shoes
- Make a lemonade Stand
- Have 3 vegan days
- Horse ride
- Summer job
- Drink about 2 litres or more of water for a week
- Act like a tourist for one day
- Take pictures in the rain
- Make a blog
- Play a sport for a whole day.